Be careful what you attach to

Guy Hendricks, on writing about Fearless Living, has some profound thoughts (thanks to my wife for passing them on). When we work out who we are and what we do, the day to day achievements and material rewards become secondary – or a hindrance. Here is what he has to say:

The purpose of life is to discover an existence within ourselves that passing time can???t take from us. Fear is born from what is taken away from us loss of kids/career/health  etc.

When we win, achieve, have family ??? all pass with time. We lose our sense of self because we have identified with something in time. Our sense of self is confined by what it is defined through. We have pain because we have identified with something temporary and hoped it to be eternal.

Deciduous trees lose their fruit and leaves, but even though they look barren, they have not lost their potential. A bare tree is something nature requires of the tree so it can meet the winter and store energy to create new life in the spring. When life comes along and blows the leaves off us, and all our fruit is gone. The disappearance of the leaves and fruit is not the disappearance of our possibilities. It is setting us up, to realise there is something greater coming if we will allow it.

The purpose of life is to discover who and what we are intended to be – created anew, brighter, broader, better every moment. When we allow the moments in our lives to reveal that who and what we???ve been has gone as far as it can go, but not as far as there is to go, our happiness is eternal. We are part of ceaseless transformation. And we are both creators and creations ourselves. Life reveals for us where we can take part in an internal and eternal creation. But we need to give up the part of us who only knows ourselves through our creations. Life inevitably reveals to us what needs to change.