Pursuing a meaningful purpose in life is scary – where to start?

When I talk about Pursuing a Meaningful Purpose in life (PAMPering ourselves) most people’s eye’s glaze over and they say words along the lines of ‘But I have no idea what a meaningful purpose for me is!’ So we need to start with the 6 strategies that can help us to work this out. Two from the past, two now and two to consider for the future. Here they are:

1. Childhood dreams & aspirations – remember back, what did you fantasize about being … now as an adult
2. Review your work history ??? what stands out? Which part of which jobs did you really enjoy doing?

3. Which aspects of what you do now talk to you? Which parts of your job/life do you find yourself drawn to, that come easily?
4. Ask these two questions and notice what comes up for you – don’t dismiss a thought because you think it’s ‘silly’. ???If I had the wherewithal to do anything what would I do???? or
???If I wasn???t scared, I would …???

5. ???Experiment in the direction of ?????? Either in your mind (notice what it feels like to see yourself doing it) or better still, spend an hour a week doing something towards this interest.
6. Specifically create time each week, ideally 2-3 hours, maybe on the weekend, to explore these ideas that have come up. This could be as simple as watching a movie or documentary on what seems meaningful to you.

REMEMBER – If you don’t start to work on this, there are only three things you miss out on …

Pursuing Potential is anxiety provoking ??? if you fail what then? Be ready for this anxiety or ‘existential angst’ as it is known as. The good news is that if it is meaningful to you, you can???t fail, only learn, refine and get closer to what is a meaningful purpose for you.

Start the journey …

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