Category Archives: 1. Psychology of Weight
Who does yelling work well with? A disappointed Leigh Matthews
Not so long ago I shared a podium with the legendary AFL player, captain and coach Leigh Matthews. He told the amusing story of how they had a sports psychologist Continue Reading →
Weight Loss for Food Lovers arrives for Kindle!
The only problem was that I did not authorise it and have no agreement with them! Amazon appear to be on the case though. The silver lining, was the great Continue Reading →
Weight loss pivots on ‘flexible’ as opposed to ‘rigid’ control
The relationship between dietary restraint and failure to lose weight pivots around the issue of ‘rigid’ as opposed to ‘flexible’ control of eating. If you want to understand why around Continue Reading →
Variety is the spice of life and of a healthy weight for kids!
In resarching the kids book on healthy eating habits that my wife and I are writing, I have come across some fascinating research. For example, Dr Brian Wansink’s research found Continue Reading →
Motivation to start to lose weight is different from the motivation to keep it off
I have just read a fascinating article by Rothman* looking at how we have a very different kind of motivation for starting to lose weight compared to keeping it off. Continue Reading →
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What does nutritional education actually change? It’s about motivation not education.
People who attend my workshops have heard me rant that educating people about how to be healthier through exercise and what to eat is, largely, a waste of time. It’s Continue Reading →
Workshop Reading
For those professionals who will be attending my workshop here is your pre-reading material. These are seminal papers in the psychology of weight loss field. 1) Westenhoefer, Behavioural Correlates of weight Continue Reading →